September 5 Monday, September 5, 2022Plenary Introduction and Overview In this session we will provide an overview of the course, including the thematic units, the expectations, and the online resources. Goals Goals Know what to expect from this course and be in a position to decide whether to take itUnderstand how ancient way-of-life approaches to philosophy are somewhat different from academic approaches to philosophyBegin to examine your life by starting an inventory of your desires Before Class Do This Bookmark and begin to explore the course website for this fall: in particular the Policies and Course Work sections of the website Read This Article: “Philosophy as Empirical Exploration of Living” by Steven Horst in Metaphilosophy (2020)Article: “What It Takes to Live Philosophically; or, How to Progress in the Art of Living” by Caleb Cohoe and Stephen Grimm in Metaphilosophy (2020) Watch This N/A After Class Do This Further Resources Do This Continue working on your Inventory of Desires Familiarize yourself with the difference between the “plenary,” “breakout,” and “dialogue” sessions of this courseReview the Policies and Course Work sections of this websiteSign up for a Perusall account Further Resources Chapter: “Philosophy as a Way of Life” by Pierre Hadot Lecture: “Ancient Philosophies as Ways of Life” by John Cooper Lecture slides for today’s class Back to Unit Next Class