Fall 2022

Introductory Unit


Unit 1: Aristotle


Unit 2: Confucianism


Unit 3: Daoism


Unit 4: Stoicism


Concluding Unit


Other Upcoming Events

SEPTEMBER 14, 5:00–6:00pm:

“Contemporary Confucianism,” Wesleyan RJ Julia Bookstore: come hear Prof. Angle discuss his new book, Growing Moral: A Confucian Guide to Life, with Prof. Irani

SEPTEMBER 21, 12:00–1:00pm:

Exhibition Opening Reception: Karen Xu, Massive Power Ball, College of East Asian Studies Gallery at The Mansfield Freeman Center (exhibition will remain on view from September 21 through December 9, 2022)

SEPTEMBER 21, 11:00am–12:30pm:

“What No One Laughs At Cannot Be Dao: On What Kind of Garbage is the Dao?” Zoom lecture by Prof. Brook Ziporyn (Zoom ID: 984 9500 6071): part of a Coffee Time Talks on Chinese Thought seriessponsored by the Center for Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at Saint Louis University

SEPTEMBER 22, 5:00–6:00pm:

Performative Lecture with Butoh Artist and Scholar Michael SakamotoCollege of East Asian Studies Seminar Room, Mansfield Freeman Center: on the history, theory, and practice of butoh dance, drawing on material from Prof. Sakamoto’s new book An Empty Room: Imagining Butoh and the Social Body in Crisis

OCTOBER 10, 12:00–1:00pm:

Philosophy Open House, Labyrinth Tent: come learn about majoring in philosophy, get a free lunch!

OCTOBER 10, 12:00–1:00pm:

COL Open House, Boger Hall, room 114: come learn about majoring in the College of Letters, get a free lunch!

OCTOBER 10, 5:30–6:30pm:

MMUF / McNair Info Session, Boger Hall, room 114: learn about programs that fund and support students from underrepresented backgrounds on their journeys to graduate school, food will be served!

OCTOBER 11, 4:30–5:30pm:

“Choice and Power in Poetics: Juan Caramuel’s Metametrica (1963),” Chapel: annual Hallie Lecture delivered by Prof. Roland Greene

OCTOBER 13, 7:00–9:00pm:

The Price of DemocracyPowell Family Cinema: film screening followed by a Q&A on the future of Taiwan’s democracy with literary scholar Dr. Hsin-chin Hsieh from National Taiwan University, Mary Alice Haddad (Government and CEAS) and Ying Jia Tan (History and CEAS)

NOVEMBER 2, 4:30–5:30pm:

COL Open HouseBoger Hall, room 115: come learn about majoring in the College of Letters, get a free lunch!

NOVEMBER 3, 12:15–1:15pm:

Classical Studies & Archaeology Open HouseDowney Lounge: come meet faculty and majors, and learn about opportunities for studying the ancient world

NOVEMBER 3, 4:30–6:00pm:

“How Queer Were the Greeks? How Queer Are We?” Russell House: a talk by Prof. David Halperin

NOVEMBER 4, 4:30–6:00pm:

“Peace & Health: The History of the Community Health Center,” Russell House: COL writer-in-residence Charlie Barber and Mark Masselli will present their new book on the 50-year history of the Middletown-based Community Health Center

NOVEMBER 8, 6:00am–8:00pm:

Election DayBeckham Hall: get out and vote!

NOVEMBER 11, 8:30am–10:00am:

“Metaphysics Against Aggression: What Rou (Suppleness) Can Teach Us?” Zoom lecture by Prof. Robin Wang (Zoom ID: 851 2383 2328): hosted by the “Collaborative Learning” Project

"The only critique of a philosophy that is possible and that proves something, namely trying to see whether one can live in accordance with it, has never been taught at universities: all that has ever been taught is a critique of words by means of other words." – Friedrich Nietzsche, Untimely Meditations