September 7

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Means and Ends: Mapping Our Desires

In these smaller breakout sessions, groups of approximately 16 students will meet with one of the course faculty. Today, we will compare and discuss some of the things people came up with in the “Inventory of Desires” exercise, introduce means-ends analysis, and begin to map relationships between our desires.

Before Class

  • Over the period between Monday’s class and your Wednesday breakout session, continue to note your desires following the instructions in the Inventory of Desires Exercise and write them on your list. Remember that the original list is meant to be kept private so that you can be fully honest with yourself without worrying about what others think.
  • By the morning of your breakout session, prepare a version of your list (probably shortened and without any items you do not wish to share) that can be used for comparisons. Some of these will be displayed and discussed in class, anonymously. Please upload your list to this Google Form before 10am.
  • Bring your list to class and be prepared to discuss and compare lists.
  • N/A

After Class